The Poetry of Evolution (2010) contrasts well with the black background against the bones, symbolising regeneration. The black background may perhaps symbolise mortality and loss. The skeletal form created by the composition of the bones is a metaphor for the framework of life. Bones are the remains of life and eventually decompose to become new life, which reminds us of rebirth and, therefore, implements a meditative characteristic to the work.

The background accentuates the bones to allow the viewer’s eye to move around them to examine the arrangement, which seems to loop itself. The looping of the bones could suggest that they are continuously reforming themselves, becoming whole while they are also not being consumed or destroyed by the black background. This contrast implies that despite loss, one can (in this case, the bones) go above loss and evolve.
Bones are often the remains of what was once life, though here they are presented in a way that showcases strength above the loss in a way.