Day Dreaming (2025) is a mix of digital, photography, and drawing- in that it is a journey of the man and his dog towards a daydream while in solitude on a walk. A golden path emerges before the man and the dog, bringing them towards this light of their imaginations, leaving the physicality of this world and allowing them to explore the dream as they walk within our world. Thus, this path divides reality and what man imagines, which seems to be either a vast ocean or a vast swathe of snow.
Following the two on the path, the viewer is invited into this world- which challenges the viewer to be in solitude and engage with the natural elements of this world to activate their daydream. The swift change of light in this scene from the more dreary light of the real world to the more enchanting lights of this imaginative scene also helps us contemplate our dreams to be more colourful and expansive than the world we inhabit.

The Power of Imagination (2023) continues the merging of traditional and digital mediums (as such, it is an oil painting while also using photography and digital). The composition itself blows us, the viewers, away as it is filled with joyful bursting lights of warm colours, predominantly yellows and orange, complemented by the occasional green, blue and purples coming out of the figure’s head. This seems to showcase that an idea has been captured in the figure’s imagination, and it is bursting out wanting to be created. In this, the work not only encourages imagination or shows the process of imagination but also becomes the personification of imagination.
The figure seems as though its head is surrounded by a halo, suggesting that the imagination is heavenly and divine and that it outpours itself as some form of energy. The orbs within the work that are floating also push through the concept that imagination is not a tangible thing but rather a form within ourselves that we can use to create: it is not physical but rather within our sentience.

Between the Worlds (2022) is a solitary environment where our perception and consciousness have been merged into one. There seems to be a figure floating within the waves of a material that seems to be both water and air while giving the figure a weightless attribute. The figure also seems to be both dreaming and awake at the same time- perhaps stuck between these two states. From the perspective of this painting- if we were to enter it as it invites us- we are in line to become the next figure within this state.
Therefore, it gives us an idea of what to imagine- how we would be in such a state of ascension and solitude. The structure in front of this figure that the work seems to draw us to is illuminated and a passageway. Perhaps it is a gateway between these two states or something that merges both together so that we experience something unexplainable.

Inside Journey (2022) transports us to the world that remains within us – our subconscious. The composition is balanced on two sides as the presented tree seems to halve the image into two: one of the figure and one of the ground. Yet it seems that two images are imprinted onto each other like a dream where one scene transfers to another. This forest has now become a transcending place where it is lit up by ethereal lighting yet grounded by the similarity of the place, grounded as a forest.
These elements seem to be melting into each other as though they are flowing like liquid. Further examining the light- we can understand that it represents our spiritual self and our consciousness exploring these places within our minds. The forest as a scene is a solitary and peaceful place; it encourages our minds to find peace within ourselves and meditate within this space.