Philip R Westcott’s work in The 2024 Show includes: Bridgewater Hall Manchester, Winter Tram Stops Manchester and Rush Hour Eccles.

Westcott’s Rush Hour Eccles showcases the rush hour in the early morning with the skies beautifully set against the highway while the artificial lights create a dreary scene within the work. As the highway has been set within the centre of the work- it helps to guide the viewer downwards as though they are themself participating within the rush hour- a common experience within present day society.
Examining the lighting of the painting much closer- we can discern that the scene had rain. This is due to the lights of the cars reflecting giving vibrancy and heightened realism to the work. Therefore creating a hazy soft and relaxed scene despite the harshness of rush hour.
Moving towards the textural elements of the painting; we find that the brushwork of the piece is impasto. This gives the work tactility thus adding depth to the trees and more rough elements of the painting. Alongside this, the impasto technique also gives the cars a blurry effect giving movement and captures the fleeting nature of the moment; much like a shutter photograph of a moving vehicle.

Above is Bridgewater Hall Manchester. From first glance; we notice that the artwork is centered on the building giving it prominence and instantaneously drawing the viewers attention. Then downwards in the painting- there are people which add life and movement contrasting directly with the clean blocks of colour of the building and the perfectly symmetrical geometric lines to showcase the glass.
Furthermore, due to the cleanness of the lines- this proves Westcott’s clear attention to architectural detail while against the impasto textures creates a stylized yet realistic feel to the work.
The painting is seemingly set in the night which brings the coldness of the sky against the warm golden tones of the building melding beautifully to provide warmth to the painting.

The painting above is Winter Tram Stops Manchester. An urban winter scene set against the contrasts of cool blues and purple with warm yellow which contrasts well complemented with the layering of paint giving an vibrant impressionistic quality to the work. Furthermore, the painting is centred on the tramline which guides the viewer down the tracks towards the more cold and stark highrise buildings.
The figures in the painting seem to be very blurred or abstracted allowing for the viewer to interpret the scene personally- had they been there before; filling in the gaps. Though only more closely visible through examining the painting- these people add a vibrancy to the scene when juxtaposed with the cold colours of the city and of- winter, itself.
Overall, Philip R Westcott’s work shows great skill in painting- as shown in the impasto technique of the paintings creating nostalgic scenes with the great use of light and colour. While utilizing the elements of the area (the highway and the tram tracks) to capture the viewers attention and guide them within the painting to explore the scene.
The viewer can visually experience the place through the painting due to the active movement, texture and set within areas we may have seen or been to. The use of light within these paintings create an atmosphere that transports us, the viewer, into these bustling environments that merge calm and activity together perfectly.