This is a curatorial review of Selma Selma Eduarda Pereira in the 2024 Show. You can see the show here.

Hands AR (2024) utilizes contemporary technology to allow for the work to appear in person as it rotates itself showing numerous forms of gestures that speak to the viewer. The hands are not only simply CGI but rather representing the city’s residents and their stories, work and lives.
The usage of ‘Augmented Reality’ gives the work much higher accessibility and turns it from simply just viewable to interactable. This invites viewers to engage with the work much more closely and on a more personal level than non-AR work.

Sintese (2024) blends traditional handcrafted work with elements of the digital world through the use of an Instagram filter to showcase the work. Once using this filter you will find that the work is animated and melds the mask onto your face. This blends physical texture with visual interaction as these textures become a part of your face during the filter and highlights the culture and heritage that faces create (as the human face is a pure symbolizer of identity of self).

Waves (2024) is a digital work that utilizes bold contrast from first glance; the pink against the blue reminiscent of water waves to which the title alludes to. Usage of pink in the work creates an energetic rythm against the waves which have strong shadows making each singular wave identifiable while being minimalistic and orderly.
Within the waves themselves, you will notice a bubble-texture which gives depth and movement to them as though they are shifting. However, the sharp edges of the waves contrasted against the soft texture of the bubble merges organic (the bubbles symbolising water itself) and artificial (the sharp edges of waves being digital as waves tend to be smooth in reality). Therefore, the work presents the digital as a form of reproducing the organic while also being an aesthetically pleasing artwork.
Overall, Selma Eduarda Pereira’s work in the 2024 showcases innovative artwork that pairs both the traditional and digital together creating a symbiosis that is accessible to viewers wherever. Pereira’s work therefore has global accessibility and through experimenting with these digital methods puts her up for success in the art world.