Neon Dreamscape (2025) is a digital pixel artwork that imagines a world set in the future and creates a speculative challenge to the viewer to question what we will have in the future. The landscape in this work has been transformed by the neon lights from the flying objects and, most notably, the skyscraper in the far right centre of the work. This view of the future seems very utopian and shows the limits of human evolution.

Our eyes are almost instantly guided towards the moon, illuminating a deep purple glow. From there, we are met with random noises of different colours, which we can understand as UFOs, satellites, aircraft, and meteorites. These lights in the upper part of the work contrast very well with the night sky of this future setting, in which the bottom half of the artwork is filled with buildings (and the skyscraper mentioned earlier). The buildings also reflect their light onto the surroundings, showcasing this imagined future’s ‘neon dreamscape’.

A Road To Nowhere (2025) is composed of a road towards the planet Saturn with glowing lines that seem to dissolve into the void. This trajectory of us, the viewer, on this road seems to lead to nowhere, allowing us to interpret it differently. Where do we go on this road? Thus, The interpretation is left open-ended and seems symbolic of the concept of a journey with a meaning that has not shown itself yet.
Above this road, Saturn seems to loom above us, with which it is at a very close distance and as though it is approaching us. Rightwards on the artwork is a raging fire that looks as though it will engulf the road itself. These elements help to give the work a chaotic atmosphere, as though the path taken by humanity causes issues, such as the fire being interpreted as a wildfire. At the same time, the individual is stuck in this path caused by the collective. Thus, it creates a question: is this road to extinction- inevitable?