Stepping Stone (2024) is found wood which is extremely weathered and textured from being used as a stepping stone and this texture is most likely a result of the wear and tear of people using it as one. The mud has decayed the wood; however, the wood was retrieved, cleaned and now serves as a decorative object. Thus its story has another chapter and this object will continue to be used by people adding to its history.

There are different layers to the decomposition that has been occurring in this wood which is visible; the darker parts look much more fragile than the more lighter areas. However, despite how fragile this wood looks- its preservation has redefined the object pausing it halfway through the decomposition process. Therefore we are invited to observe the objects aesthetic qualities which are the result of said process.
Due to its past use as an object that would’ve been used to step onto, it makes us reflect on how we interact with the environment. Stepping onto this object would have further pushed it into the ground, aiding the decomposition process. Once lodged too much into the ground, its use is no longer possible, and thus, it has been abandoned. However, its retrieval has reversed this and is now preserving and reclaiming the object, giving it meaning again.