Terms of Conditions for “MATERIAL” & “Contrast!” publication

Terms and conditions apply to the MATERIAL and CONTRAST publication and exhibition by the META SPACE GALLERY. Please read these before paying the participation fee.


  • Participants must acknowledge that they are subjected to these terms and conditions.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY encourages experimentation and inexperienced artists to apply- we will not discriminate against an artists professional status and will review submissions without a bias.
  • Acceptance to the publication will decided based on the quality of the artwork (please make sure that images are High Quality) and the description of the submission and your artist statement.
  • The applicant acknowledges that the decision by the META SPACE GALLERY reviews submissions by application date so earlier submissions will be more likely to be accepted.


  • All successful participants will be required to pay a £25 participation fee (which includes the printing of the publication and postage and gallery fees)
  • If you have submitted more than three artworks, then you will have to pay extra based on how many after the third you have submit. The current rate is £6.50 per artwork to help pay for the extra pages. I.e. if you submit six you will have to pay the base fee + £6.50×3
  • We will notify all applicants whether they have been accepted into the publication or not once the judging period is over.
  • Fees must be paid through PayPal or Bank Transfer.
  • If the participation fee is not paid in time (usually by the start of the next month after the deadline of the opportunity has passed) then we have the right to forfeit your submission/inclusion in the publication.
  • The participation fee is non-refundable.
  • Participation fees sent after the start of the month after the deadline has passed are rejected and will be returned.
  • The fees are used to pay for the printing of the publication and help fund the upkeep of the gallery.
  • Interview fees are £6.50 per page. You will only be charged after the interview and after you’ve specified how many pages you want to be included. Hence if it takes 3 pages- but you want 2- we will cut down the questions and condense it into 2 pages.


  • The META SPACE GALLERY maintains the ownership and copyright of the publication including the front and back cover, introduction, acknowledgements, contents pages, layouts and design, branding, conclusion but it is not limited to these.
  • Participants do not cede their copyrights to the META SPACE GALLERY but give their permission for the META SPACE GALLERY to showcase their work through their official social media accounts, the exhibition website and through the publication. The submitted work is therefore still the copyright/property of the participant and the META SPACE GALLERY does not claim the ownership thereof.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY produces the publication issues at one time only and there will be no further republications of the issue after the first has been published to maintain a limited supply of the publication.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY does not view the sale of the publication as an objective. Instead it helps contribute to artist portfolios and gather exposure for the artist and engage communities in their artistic practices. We will, however, promote the artist webstore on our website to help sell artist works to potential collectors and buyers. We do, however, sell LIMITED copies through our website- these are subsidised by the fees and are thus are sold slightly below market value.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY ocassionally gives away the publication for free to the public in the Merseyside area. Therefore the publication is entirely not for profit. However, we do not regulate the resale of any publications. If you wish to sell any extra copies you have received- you are free to do so.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY reserves the right to display the publication and some or all of the content on the website.


  • The META SPACE GALLERY requests an address from the participant in order to post the published copy of the publication.
  • This information will not be exchanged with any other individual or third parties and will be destroyed upon the collection of the publication by the delivery agency.
  • The participation fee includes the printing cost, gallery upkeep and the shipping costs.
  • If there is no address provided by the participant, they will not be able to receive a copy until it has been provided.
  • If international shipping exceeds £6 then the participant will be required to pay the difference. If the artist fails to pay for the international shipping after the deadline (usually 7 days after we announce the delivery) then they will have to pay for the copy itself (which also will require delivery payment) through our website and the reserved free copy will no longer be reserved.
  • If no address is provided within 7 days of the publish-date then the participant will no longer be able to claim a copy of the publication for free and will thus have to pay the retail price for the copies.


  • Successful participants are responsible for the accuracy of information, details and images that they provide with their submission.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY cannot be held accountable for any inaccuracies, misinformation or issues within the published material that has been provided by the applicants.
  • META SPACE GALLERY may grammar check, modify or increase legibility of the images, information or details if it is to improve the presentation or legibility of the participant.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY requests that participants to acknowledge that the design, layout, presentation and showcasing of their work (within the publication and the web-exhibition and social media promotional material) is decided by Meta Space Gallery and its curator.
  • If the activities of an applicant or if the submitted information is of detriment to the publication then META SPACE GALLERY reserves the right to remove the applicant’s submitted material if the printing period has not started. The META SPACE GALLERY reserves the right to withhold the participation fee as collateral.
  • Once the first draft has been completed all participants will be notified and sent a copy to review it and send feedback.
  • The META SPACE GALLERY reserves the right to exclude applicants during the drafting and pre-publishing time frame of the publication for (but not limited to) inappropriate behaviour, rudeness, discrimination, unlawful or suspicious behaviours or lack of correspondence.
  • If the applicant has been excluded for inappropriate behaviour, rudeness, discrimination, unlawful or suspicious behaviours or lack of correspondence- the participation fee is non-refundable.
  • If the applicant wants to be excluded after work has started on the publication (i.e. a curator’s review has been written) then they are only entitled to a partial refund.